Sunday, October 16, 2011


Ik you are all scared cuz of my title DEATH OF MY BLOG!!!!!! well...its true. me and my blog have grown apart from each other :D haha anywayz ive been on facebook, email, and wattpad lateley, so once again, I FORGOT THAT MY BLOG EXSISTS!!! soooooooooo im just gonna stop it. i mean i really dont like it anymore :) but im still gonna read sara's blog!!! btw her blog is 

hehe emphasis

sorry that was random anywayz if your wondering what wattpad is, its like this website where you have an account and you can write short stories/poems/books/novels and post them for everyone to see. you can also read other people's stuff. that's the link to my account. i am currently  writing two books!!! Written Magic and The Life She was Given. I am probably gonna quit Written Magic cuz it is boring me. I will still write the life she was given!! please read, vote, and comment on my stories!! and plz fan me!! that'd be awesome!!!

Well, thats all i gotta say :D bye, loves <3  i MIGHT post like, 1 a month. MAYBE if i remeber i hav a blog. oh, and i wont put up anymore polls. bye!!!

Monday, September 5, 2011

100TH POST!!!!!!!! WOOT WOOT

hey everyone!! and welcome to the 100th post!!!!11 hehe sorry that sounded a little cheesy. sooooooo i decided not to change my name to purple beastly bunnies. im still trying to think of a new title. can someone help me think??????? pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeze thanks cuz i need suggestions. just leave a comment :D

The next paragraph is dedicated to Sara :D

Hi sara im sorry your sick please get better!!! :)))

I need to do my homework. i have a few things for homework but they are big things D: so scary!!! i started doing it today....i know, stupid. wellllll im just happy that we have a 3 day weekend.

OMG I FORGOT!!! today is the last day the pool is open!!! bye!!!

Scroll to the bottom of the page to take the poll =) Bya!! <3 Sharon <3

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Changing my blog URL

OMC its a record!!1 i posted 5 days after my last one! :O lol 

Hey gonna change my blog URL. its gonna be cuz  that is my group name in English!!! so dont go to anymore. the only thing wrong is....idk how to switch my blog!! lol someone please tell me D:

Ever since school started, the days have gone by reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeally slow. lol idk why!!! we already started getting homework!!! how lame is that :P we got a project in history, and we were assigned it on friday, but i just started like, yesterday. and all i did was print the rubric, write down my name, date, group, and title, and search for articles. haha our project is to pick an article and summarize it, but i wanna pick something not lame cuz we have to present!!! i HATE presenting!!! i used to get all red and hot and sweaty, and i would shake like crazy, and my voice would be all quiet and i would say ummm and uhh and well and like 5 thousand times in each sentence, but that was in 6th grade, when i was new. now im in 8th grade, and i dont mind. i just am scared they will think my report is stupid.

but i have already presented two things in the past 8 days (OMG) and one i was fine with cuz i was assigned a topic. another, it was a BIO poem...about so i was scared and i read it really really really fast hehehe. but now i have to present my book report (UGH SHE MADE THE LIST IN A SPECIFIC ORDER AND IM LAST!!! I WANTED TO BE 2ND CUZ EVERYONE REMEMBERS THE LAST ONE AND THE FIRST ONE....AKWARD!!!). so i am soooooooooo mad. also, my history project. im not done. its due tomorow. i dont even have an article!!! i am the queen of procrastination!!!

i should start...but i have to tell you something first!!! my fishies died :( i had 5 guppies (all born in my tank) and they lived for 9 monthes. then one died, so i said, "oh, i should clean the tank!!" so i cleaned the tank, changed the water, and i think the water was too hot. I THOUGHT FISH LIKED HOT WATER!!! apparently not. its probably cuz they lived their whole life in semi-cold water. so the last 4 fishies died D: so a few days ago, i got 3 fishies!!! the lady said that 3 fishies is waaaaaaaaaaay to much for my 1.5 gallon tank, but im like pshhhhhhhhhhh watever i had 5 fish in there for 9 months!!! so i got two pot-belly mollies and 1 catfish to clean the tank. the mollies are a girl and a boy. the boy is black with while splotches and the girl is orange. bad thing. oh no!!! the boy is already hitting on the girl. ugh. i dont want to have 5 thousand baby fish in my tank!!! then i hve to seperate them!!!  D:

i cant wait for octover!!! were getting new neighbors!!! one is a 12 year old girl!!! i already have a neighbor that is 12 years old and a girl...but i lov making friends!! :D

Wow. i must admit, that was a long post. well, bye!!

Scroll to the bottom of the page to take the poll =) Bya!! <3 Sharon <3

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Chapter 2

The next thing I knew, I was in a strange bed, in a strange room, surrounded by strange people. It was all very…strange. The first thing that hit me: THE BOOK WAS GONE!! The second thing that hit me: THE STRANGE MAN IN BLACK WAS HERE!! I gasped and struggled out of the bed, trying to remember what happened last night. All I remember is being followed and running with a book. “Excuse me,” I said to a pretty young lady who appeared to be a nurse, “where am I? What day is it today? Who are you? Where’s my book? Who’s that man right there?” “I’m sorry; all of that information is classified.” She said straight-forwardly. “What?” I thought. “Classified?” that’s once again strange. Wow, I must be losing it. As the thought hit me, the stranger was at my side. “AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” I screamed and ran out of the room. I was so scared that I didn’t notice the doctor’s bag that was on the floor. My foot hit it hard and I went tumbling down. My whole world was blacking out! Why did this have to happen to me? In a cold sweat, I woke up and found myself in the forest. Flaring my head around rapidly, looking for anyone who was in that strange room, I noticed a sign that I had never seen before. “BEWARE: IF YOU FALL ASLEEP HERE, YOU WILL NOT WAKE UP UNTIL YOU DIE IN YOUR DREAM.” Wow, strange! Good thing I woke up! Who knew that I would fall asleep in a magic forest and wake up a few hours later? I pushed myself up, grabbed my book, and then ran. I seemed to have so much energy! My adrenaline was rushing me out of the forest and out of the hands of the magic in the forest. At the end of the forest, I stopped in a meadow, glanced at my watch and cursed the short life of watch batteries. I just decided to guess that it was 1 in the morning. I suddenly remembered why I was running: to go home! Of course, duhhhh stop thinking about stupid things, Joel! I ran for a while. Eventually, I sprinted, which is strange because I am not the exercising type of guy. Before I knew it, I collapsed in the middle of the meadow. I stroked the soft grass. I rested for a few minutes when something hit my eye. It was the stream that I saw yesterday! You don’t know how long I’ve been longing for this. I slithered to the stream, and cupped my hands in the water. I sipped it’s sweet, rich flavor. I had never tasted water so good before! But as I raised my head from the crystal clear water, I noticed a sign. “WARNING: ANYONE WHO DRINKS THIS WATER, BEWARE OF SQUADALEEPODS JUMPING UP AND BITING YOUR FACE OFF.” “What are squadaleepods?” I thought. As the thought occurred, I saw something in the water. Oh no! A squadaleepod! The way the sign put it, I decided to be scared and back off, but I was too late. An enormous fish, about the size of a tennis racket, jumped out. I only had a second to see what the fish looked like. It looked a lot like a piranha, with a marlin’s sword nose. I jumped back, but the sharp blade of the squadaleepod sliced at my cheek, leaving an inch deep cut. Did I ever mention how much I hate big animals? Well, I do. Starting now. My finger darted toward my cheek, where the cut took up half my face. I stared at my bloody hand and clutched the book with the other hand. My finger went back to my face, but the cut was gone! I look at the book. Ok, I may sound a little crazy, but I think the book is magic. I know your laughing right now. This is just my opinion! I got up and started to walk. I wasn’t in a running mood. I entered another forest, and then I soon near a shack that seemed pretty friendly, but yes, of course, another sign. “Why are there so many signs in the forest?” I screamed. Then I heard a knocking noise. I turned my head and saw a guy placing a sign on a tree. He looked at me. “Oh, sorry, I’ll be going now…” Ok that was weird. I looked back at the sign next to the shack and squinted my near-sighted eyes at the sign. I have glasses, but I hate them. It’s not that they make me look dorky, I could care less, but they are uncomfortable, and you can do a lot more stuff with them off. On the sign, it said…pie. No seriously, it said pie on it! And there’s a picture of pie on it too. Well, nothing dangerous! I walked in. There was a poster inside. Well, at least it’s not an annoying sign. I am completely sick of those. The first thing I noticed about the poster is the year, 2021. Ha ha, must be a typo! As I thought this, my stomach growled so loud, it could start an avalanche! I turned my head and saw a buffet table. Hey, what are the odds! I stuffed my face for about 3 hours and hit the road, er, grass. There is no road.

chapter 1

Tired, sweaty, and out of breath, I pushed myself forward through the mysterious depths of the forest. I clutched my book against my chest, desperately hoping not to lose the precious item. I then clumsily stumbled on a rock. Staggering forward, I caught myself on a low branch, and continued forward. I thrust my head back, to see if I was still being followed. No sign of the tall man in black anywhere. I stopped, stepped behind the largest tree in sight, and slid down the old aged tree. I panted hard. I had been running for a long time, ever since my grandfather gave me the special book that was tightly wrapped in my hands. I looked down at the odd book. I fingered the finely done art on the cover, swirls and flowers covering the page. This morning, I walked proudly out of my Grandpa’s store, book in hand. Then, out of nowhere, a tall brunette man in black grabbed me! I was too terrified to scream, and I was scared, so I ran. That was really idiotic of me to run into the forest instead of running to Grandpa! Ha ha, lesson learned. I ran for at least half a mile, no stopping, occasionally looking back to see the mysterious man sprinting after me. Here I am now, in the middle of nowhere, searching for a sign of life. Anywhere. I had no idea where I was! This was not good. All I had was the clothes on my back and the strange book that I had not yet opened. I decided to take a peek. My hand moved toward the cover. NO!!!!!! I smacked my hand with my other hand. Grandpa said not to open it until my 13th birthday, which was in 6 days! Oh my goodness, seriously, Grandpa? You know that I am very impatient! He always told me, “Good things come to those who can wait, Joey.” I hate when he calls me Joey! My name is Joel, but I could never tell Grandpa that I do not appreciate him calling me Joey, that would be rude. Good thing Grandma and Mom at least call me Joel. My dad calls me Joe, but I barely see him anymore because of his stupid work. You know, I just realized that I am thinking about my name when I am lost in the woods and my phone is dead! “Great job, Joel. Forget to charge your phone again!” I thought. Oh well, at least that scary guy is nowhere to be seen. I got up from my hiding spot behind the tree. What I really need right now is a nice, cool glass of water. I remember passing a stream while running for my life a while ago. I tried to form a map in my head from where I began running to where I am now. Hmmmmmmm…it would be easier to do that if only I hadn’t feared for my life the whole time! I began walking home. That’s odd; no sign of the tall man anywhere. Oh well, I hope he took a wrong turn, or something. I remembered most of the trees, rocks, and twigs as I passed them. Finally, I decided that I was way too tired and out of breath to continue on. So about 10 minutes after walking, I sat down. It was the middle of summer, so I didn’t need to make a fire or anything. All I needed was the wool hoodie that Grandpa gave me with the book. I lay down on the cool, damp ground and my eyes shut closed.


School started thursday!!1 it was pretty awesome. there are only 4 new girls this of them i knew cuz we were in elementary school together!!! anyways, i have 1 girl teacher and the rest guy teachers D: i mean, its kinda kool to try something new, know lol.

I already have homework :P i hate homework. and homework hates me, so, i guess were even :D

So did i tell you, we had a summer book report? i probably did, but im gonna tell you again. we read the giver by lois lowry. it was really good!!! at first, i didnt wanna read it cuz there was an old guy on the cover, but i loved it :D this one girl in my class is like, that was creepy. im like WHAT!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! *slap*. jk hehehe i didnt slap her. 

I. hate. mosquitos. but they love me so we are NOT even :P i have 3 mosquito bites. one is on my foot!! and its at the part where my flipflops rub against D: urgles!!!!

Btw, my friend/neighbor got me super obsessed with writing books, hehe, and i am working on one right now!! it is so good so far, well, in my opinion. and my friends. i will post what i have so far just incase you wanna read it. and i will continue to post it whenever i finish a chapter. please comment and tell me if you like it!!!!

my stupid school all of the sudden stopped allowing feathers so i had to take mine out :'( well, i had it for like, 3 months lol it was kinda annoying and i had to be careful to brush my hair! and when i took it out, ther was a HUGE knot in my hair where my feather used to be. it took a while to brush lol but my burden is lifted!!!!!!!!!!! yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111 and noooooooooooooooooo :(

kk byeeeeeeeeees

Scroll to the bottom of the page to take the poll =) Bya!! <3 Sharon <3

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

school is almost here!!

I CANT WAIT FOR SCHOOOOOOOOOOOOOL!!!!! i usually hate school, but i love the first few weeks, hate the rest, but lov the last few weeks haha(: i mean, this has been an awesome summer and all...san diego, disneyland, seaworld, beach, museum, waterworld, laser tag, lol other summers, we all just sit around the house, bored to death but not this year!!!

i am so stupid tho, cuz i waited till the last minute to do my school shopping!! im not even done, and school starts this thursday!!! Sheesh!!! i have 3 more things to go, though :) i got a haircut yesterday!! my hair used to be long!! but now its short!! i mean, it used to be like, halfway down my upperarm, now its not even up to my shoulders!! i got layers, and face-framing, and...yeah. the only weird part is now, my feathers are longer than my hair!!! oh well, it doesnt look TOO bad

ok, at my school, every year, we have a summer book report. this year, we had to read "the giver". it was pretty good!! and i finished my book report. my book report stinks tho. im trying to make it better, because i soooo want good grades this year!! i am used to straight B's, haha but my summer resolution (hehe i just made it up) is to get straight A's!! or at least a few A's on my report card. i need to turn it in by monday...strange that the due date is 4 days after school starts!! oh well. i should work on it now.

ok, so switching subjects randomly back to my haircut...i took a pic of it and posted it on facebook lol and like, 10 people liked it and commented on it on how much they love it. i hope their not just being polite....hehe its facebook!! i mean, they didnt HAVE to respond...i guess they like it!! :) im so happy cuz its the type where you ACTUALLY look good when you just tie your hair!! i love it!!! lol gtg work on my book report!! byes!!!

Scroll to the bottom of the page to take the poll =) Bya!! <3 Sharon <3

Tuesday, August 2, 2011


just by the title, you are confuzzled cuz you know me as the crazy JB fan, but he is DEAD TO ME!! =PPP D:< becuz he keeps posting on twitter, facebook, internet, etc. pictures of him and selena gomez making out, or going to the beach together and doing things that i would not like to repeat, and its rumored he got her pregnant =P i also found a pic of him at the beach naked (kinda gross...but they fuzzed it out) and a pic of him with his middle finger up. omc he calls himself a christian (yeah...sure), and i am soooooooooo super annoyed at him. but i am still a fan of his music!!! his getting old. Hes not as hot as before cuz he looked so cute when he was younger but now he is having his growth spurt and...ugh. but my mom bought me a JB shirt, and i loved it at first, but know. so i am going to wear it to school when school starts and freak everyone out lol.

Speaking of school...IT STARTS AUGUST 18!!! OMC I CANT WAIT!!! i hate school, but i only like the first few weeks and the last few weeks of school cuz they fuuuuuuuuuun.

speaking of no patience (haha)......THE PHINEAS AND FERB MOVIE COMES OUT ON FRIDAY!!! 3 DAYS!!! OMC OMC OMC OMC I HAVE BEEN WAITING EVER SINCE I FOUND OUT ABOUT IT!!! (like, 3 months ago but i have been counting down the days since 50 days ago) OMCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC I AM GOING TO DIE OF IMPATIENCE IT IS GOING TO BE AWWWWWWWESOME!!! but they made soooooooo many trailors and i pretty much know half the movie =P how lame. disney is lame. =P lol lol lol lol lol im crazy right now lol lol lol

yesterday, i went to water world!!! i saw my friend there with her friends it was kinda kewl lol but she was so far away when i saw her so i didnt say hi so i just texted her when waterworld closed and told her i saw her. when i saw her, she looked at me, but didnt say anything. probably cuz she didnt recognize me. I wouldnt recognize me cuz i was in the lazy river so i was in a tube and i was soaked and my hair was braided (i usually just let it down), and i pinned up my bangs so they would not get in the way. not to mention i was wearing a swim suit.

theres a new poll!!!! JTLYK!!!! i was eating cereal one day and i thought up the question haha cuz i lov cinnimon toast crunch...and thats wat i was eating lol. VOTE!!! =)) bys sorry about not posting in a while. FUN SUMMER!!! EXCITED FOR MOVIE!!

Scroll to the bottom of the page to take the poll =) Bya!! <3 Sharon <3

Monday, July 18, 2011


Sorry i havent posted in a month =( i wasnt busy or anything, i kinda forgot i had a blog...heres why:

1. this is a really fun summer cuz were actually going places!! like the museum of nature and science, san diego, the park, ive been playing with my neighbor (not telling you her name, but shes 11 turning 12 and going into 7th grade)...a lot more stuff but i cant think right now
2. we are doing a lot of yard work =P cuz we are going to replace a garden with grass and expand our other garden and...yeah :D
3. I GOT AN ACOUSTIC GUITAR!!! IVE WANTED ONE FOR A LONG TIME!!! it is sooooooo addicting =) my brother is teaching me. hes pretty good...i mean i just got it last week on tuesday, but im getting good at it!! my fingers are getting hard...they hurt at first but now, not as much. and i know 3 chords!! :D and i know how to tune a guitar, i kinda know about TABS. i know an A chord, a D chord, and an E7 chord, all in the key of A :D
4. I GOT FACEBOOK BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :DDDD idk if i told you this story (i think i have amnesia...SHEESH), but i got my Fbook when i was 12. then my mom found out you have to be 13, so she took it away!! but now im 13...been 13 for 2 monthes...and i finally got it back :D its not as fun as i remembered...oh well its still fun! i dont really post stuff...haha i just play games =) if your one of my friends and you have facebook but your not my friend on facebook, leave a comment and tell me to add you!!!!

even though i havent posted in a month...i thought i would post 5 thousand we went to the museum of nature and science!! i havent been there in like, 4 years but it had 5 thousand more exhibits than i remembered!! it was soooooo fun espesially the one with all of the body systems. except they had a real skeleton and a real body without skin...but they were in a giant glass box =) except the guy without skin...his thing was showing it was soooooooo gross!!! =P 

well...i will probably be posting in a month or two =) lol i added a poll jtlyk. i keep forgetting to post!!! i have so many other things to keep me moms ipod touch..hehehe

Scroll to the bottom of the page to take the poll =) Bya!! <3 Sharon <3

Friday, June 17, 2011

summer depression

Hi guys. sorry i kinda...broke my promise lol about posting everyday. its just that this summer, we have to do a lot of yard work and stuff cuz my mom has taken a HUGE interest in gardening and stuff lol. and also, i have to read for 18 hours for the summer reading program for the library. the prizes this year are really lame. a bag, and a chance to win an elitches pass. (elitches is six flags, we just call it elitches here). LAST year was totally awesome!! cuz they straight up gave us an elitches pass!! cuz they had a whole BOOK full of passes. this year, its a chance =P so mad.

so yeah, ive been ditching my blog for reading, working, sleeping, and watching tv. this is kind of a lame summer...ive BARELY gone to the pool this year. ITS ALREADY THE MIDDLE OF JUNE!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!

Anyways, i thought that since its summer, i would be posting like, every hour. instead, im pretty much posting every week. sorries ppl. after i read 18 hours, ill go back to posting!! well, right now i should get back to reading. ive only read 7 hours so far D: well, ill post in like, a week cuz i will be reading a bunch (not really). its not that i dont like reading, but reading NONSTOP EVERYDAY for 18 HOURS!!! ugh D: byes!!!

Scroll to the bottom of the page to take the poll =) Bya!! <3 Sharon <3

Saturday, June 11, 2011

back from vacation

Theres a new poll!! :D

Hi guys!! last night, as you know, i got home from S.D. (san diego, im just getting tired of typing that a lot) 12:30 AM, and i went to bed at 1. well, i woke up this morning at 1:20 PM, and that was the most amazing sleep of my life!! cuz this whole week in SD, we had to wake up in a hotel (not to mention sharing a bed with my mom =P) at 6:30 Cali time (5:30 Colorado time) to eat breakfast. cuz breakfast at the hotel is free (obviously), and it is open 6-9. so that is another reason my sleep was so wonderful last night.

oh, and at SD, the first 2 days were REALLY hot, and the last 3 days were REALLY cloudy!! every now and then, it would sprinkle/mist, but it never rained. so it was cloudy the whole 3 days =( so the last day, i was bored, cuz we were waiting for the bus to take us to the airport (we had to take the bus the WHOLE week, ugh, i hated it!! =P i wore my sunglasses on the bus cuz...well...idk i just dont like random ppl seeing my face for some reason) so i swam in the pool. it was COLD but not as cold as the ocean lol. so i took me a while to get used to the extreme cold, but, i swam =) then i had to rush out of the pool, rush into my clothes and dryness, and rush onto the bus. ugh. this whole week was fun, not exactly relaxing though.

i wanna go to the pool today!! a HEATED pool =P instead of an UNHEATED pool in CLOUDY weather!! a HEATED pool (not like, BURNING, but warmish cold :D) in the sun. sooooo bye!!!! ill post as often as i can!!

Scroll to the bottom of the page to take the poll =) Bya!! <3 Sharon <3

long time no post!!

Sorry guys i havent posted in a while! its cuz i was in...SAN DIEGO!!!!!!!!!!!! YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! since my sister graduated, me, my mom & sister went to san diego!! it was soooooooooooooo super fun

monday: we went to old town (its like a fun place where there are stores and stuff). tuesday: we went to seaworld!!! wednesday: we went to disneyland!!! thursday: we went on a cruise!! friday: we went to the beach!!!

so old town is a place where they sell kewl stuff, there are places where you can look around and see what older ppl did (like morsecode machine things) idk this is hard to explain

seaworld was FUN!!! we all got sunburnt (wich is weird cuz i NEVER burn, i tan!! =P), we watched a dolphin show, a shamu show, a pet show (dogs, cats...), and a sea lion show. we also went on some fun water rides!! there was ONE rollercoaster, and it was AWESOME cuz it was a water coaster!!

Disneyland was FUN!!! cuz there were gift shops every corner, we went on rides, we took pictures with mickeymouse, minniemouse, i wanted to take a pic with donald duck, goofy, pluto, and daisyduck, but the bus comes in a few hours and we didnt have time. BUT, lol, we had time to take pictures with Belle, Tatiana, and Ariel lol. we didnt watch the parade =( we watched part of it, but we ran out to the exit. it turns out there are TWO exits...and we went out the wrong one, so we were freaking out cuz the bus stop is at the other exit. So Finally we found out that it was a 20 minute walk to the other entrence, and the bus was leaving in 5. we got a taxi to take us to the entrance and we called the bus to wait for us. YAYYYYYYYY WE MADE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

the cruise was small...i mean it was big, but small for a cruise. im not judging or anything, just making an observation :D it was a we saw dolphins and sea lions!! it was sooooo kewlness!!! it was 1 hour, and i had so much fun, i died. jk. lol jus beig random :DD

so the ppl on the plane who were handling my luggage was NOT careful, and i opened my bag and found my sunglasses broken D: sooooo we went to the beach and there was a BUNCH of shops there so i got a new pair!! :DDD at the beach, my mom and sister would NOT get in the water, and i had my swimsuit underneath, but my mom would not let me swim cuz it was so cloudy and the water was icecold. sooooo i just walked in the shore!! i found a bunch of clams, seashells, and i found 1 anenome!! it was pretty kewl!! and i saw a dolphin, too =)

this post says that i posted this morning at 12:30 AM, cuz that is the time i got home from san diego. but actually, i posted this afternoon 5:30. its cuz this post is sooooo long, and i want to post another thing about different stuff, soooooooo yeah. byes!!

Scroll to the bottom of the page to take the poll =) Bya!! <3 Sharon <3

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

im losing my mind D:

im losing my mind. cuz i keep posting about stuff that i posted before earlier!! so before i post anything, i have to think for a year if i posted about it before. i hope im not confuzzling you with those sentences, but idk. so i am going to talk about my next VACATION and sorry if i already talked about it before!! if i didnt, then just completely ignore this whole paragraph!!! :D

So next monday, me, my mom and sister are going to SAN DIEGO!!!!!!!! WOOT WOOT (idk, i never really say woot, but im just feeling hyper right now cuz i just had some icecream!! and its 10:20!) so excited. i havent even started packing lol

we are going to the beach, sea world, disney land, and MAYBE the san diego zoo. depends, really.

so i had to go to the dermatologist today (skin doctor) cuz i had this red itchy blotchy stuff on my neck. found out...its ringworms!!! its not contagious, and its not that gross or anything. so if you see me, dont freak out and keep away from me lol. so when we went, after we had the checkup, my mom asked a thousand questions about skin. like, what the bump thingys are on skin, or how to get rid of a scar, or whatever. it was kinda weird...but i am also so excited cuz i have this annoying scar on my forehead...when i was little, i poured water on a lightbulb, it exploded and cut my forehead. soooooo annoying!!!!!!!! and were getting rid of it!!!!!!!!!! yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MAYBE though...cuz its not that expensive or anything...i mean, compared to plastic surgery its cheap.

kk so let me talk to you about something else, MY DOGGIE!!! we finally washed her today!! cuz it was BOILING hot out, and we washed her and she dried in a matter of minutes. but she sheds like theres no tomorrow!!! you pet her once, you have a new coat of fur on your hands!!! D: soooooooooooo she mostly stays outside. lol. she loves the sun. we come outside and she is always asleep in the sun its hilarious haha!! :D

You know those southwest airlines commercials? those are SOOOOOOO ANNOYING!!! i mean its like, "were perfect for each other!!!" ugh they had that commercial last year and this year and whenever we watch baseball (which is everyday, my sister is obsessed, and the rest of us just really love it), we see it ALL THE TIME D:

Scroll to the bottom of the page to take the poll =) Bya!! <3 Sharon <3

Sunday, May 29, 2011


YES!! DAYS OF SUMMER BORDISM ARE NOW OVER!!! THE POOL OPENED YESTERDAY!!! YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!! i went with my friend(neighbor) and her friend from school. we were the first ones!!! and the water was WARM instead of FREEZING COLD it was WARM!!!

Yesssssss so happy!! oh! happy memorial day everyone!! its not really a holiday i celebrate, well, we do always have a bbq on memorial day dad was in the army and all. sooooooo yeah. sweetness. anyways...

AHHHHHHHHHH THE POOL OPENED!!! I AM GOING THERE EVERY DAY OF MY LIFE UNTIL IT CLOSES!!! oh yeah!! i forgot!! i FINALLY got to watch lord of the rings!! we watched the first one and 1/2 of the second one last night. when my brother gets home, we will finish. hes at a friends house.

Next on the list:
1. iron man 2
2. pirates of the caribean movies
3. indiana jones

idk what else. there are a lot more on my list that i cant remember right now. 

I wanna wash my dog!!! cuz she hasnt taken a bath since last summer!!! sheesh!! we never wash her in the winter--to cold-- or the fall--once again, too cold--SOMETIMES in the spring, mostly in the summer though. cuz we wash her outside. its easier cuz you can tie her up and she wont be running around the house soaking wet!!

But my moms like NO!! THURSDAY!! =P cuz its "too cold". its BURNING OUT!!! I COULD SIT OUT THERE FOR 2 SECONDS AND BECOME BLACK!! jk lol. i have to admit, i did exagerate a little lol. (NOT BEING RACIST!! BLACK PPL ARE SOOOO KEWLIO!!!!!!!!!!!1)

oh i have to go work on my six pack...hehe i am so funny bye!!! theres another poll!!!

Scroll to the bottom of the page to take the poll =) Bya!! <3 Sharon <3

Friday, May 27, 2011

Summer Bordism

Wow. The first day of summer, and i am already bored outta my mind!! sheesh!! i should be having the time of my life right now =P well, yesterday i wasnt bored cuz i went to a friend's party-ish thing. lol. it was a get-together!! idk maybe it was just a playdate cuz she had 2 other ppl over

Im always bored the first week of summer. sometimes the first 2 weeks. cuz the pool doesnt open for a while...and my neighbor-one of my best friends-has her last day of school today!! so i cant go over to her house or anything.

After 2 weeks or so of summer, i realize that i should DO SOMETHING instead of wait for something fun to come around!! like, call/skype a friend, or invite someone over, or go play with my doggie outsite. Actually, im blogging in my backyard :D cuz it is such a good day out...i mean the water fountain is running and i hear the water hitting water...and im sitting on a pool know, the chairs at the pool that ppl sunbathe on? yeah, those chairs.

And my doggie is sleeping next to me =) since i have nothing to do, i decided to blog to you!! i hope i gain more readers this summer =P Hey sara, could you get ppl to read my blog?  cuz i think you are my only reader....

O MY COW I CANT WAIT FOR THE POOL TO OPEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! cuz i got this new swimsuit it is sooooo cute!! its black and prettyful and flowerful haha

Welll i got nothing else to say =P so i should start a random topic!!! like...first thing that comes to mind...AISAN FOOD!!

Omc i LOVE Asian food. cuz my mom is korean, im 1/2 korean, she BARELY makes korean food!! im like MOM STOP MAKING THIS STUFF AND MAKE SOME GOOD STUFF!! so she makes korean food like, once or twice a month =P

ugh stupid moths!! every summer, we get TONS of moths in our house. i HATE moths!! they always fly towards you!! and they are soooo creepy. i also hate mosquitos (who doesnt). but thankfully, we dont get that many over here. we get some in the summer, but they are mostly in the mountains when we go camping.

Since its summer, i am going to have a poll every WEEK instead of every MONTH =)

Scroll to the bottom of the page to take the poll =) Bya!! <3 Sharon <3

Thursday, May 26, 2011


Hey ppl i just felt like adding something random. cuz i was looking at the thing...on the side where you can click a post from a while ago. so i noticed that as the months go by, i post less often. in january i posted 22 times!! in may, well its the end of may cuz its may 26, i only posted 10. sheesh this is horrible!! :O i bet its cuz of school =P school is mean. mean mean mean. they take away your posting time and give you homework and tests instead!!

So since its summer, i promise i will post more often!! cuz i know you LOVE my blog!! (not really, you probably hate it cuz i only have 1 other reader: sara!!) so make sure that you check my blog often cuz i will be posting a bunch!! it will always be liek this:

Day 1: the pool opened!!
Day 2: i went to the pool!!
Day 3: i went to the pool!! then i went on a walk
Day 4: i went to the pool!! and i watched tv
day 5: i went to the pool!! I played with my dog
day 6: i went to the pool!! i read for 5 hours straight.
Day 7: i went to the pool!! i posted on my blog
(repeat 5 times)

lol cuz that is my summer every year!! well, not really. actually, thats my summer after the pool opens lol

Scroll to the bottom of the page to take the poll =) Bya!! <3 Sharon <3

What time is it? its summertime!!

What time is it? Summertime! It's our vacation! What time is it? Party time! That's right, say it loud!
What time is it? The time of our lives! Anticipation! What time is it? Summertime! School's out, scream and shout!

Hehe, sound familar? HIGHSCHOOL MUSICAL 2!!! hehe i luv those movies. yes, you think im weird cuz i like HSM and JB but what can i say? their AWESOME!!

SUMMERTIME!!! Sooooo on monday, it was a normal uniform dress day, we just did stuff like watch movies, play games and stuff in class. And tuesday was ABUSE THE DRESSCODE DAY!! omg i was waiting for that day ALL year!! and i totally failed!! i mean, not TOTALLY failed, just slightly failed. Cuz last year, i was HORRIBLE!! all i did was untuck my shirt and wear colorful socks. But THIS year, i untucked my shirt, wore a cami underneath, wore colorful leggings, colorful socks, a fedora, a jacket, and i wore BLUE EYELINER!! :D i was gonna dye my hair temporarily purple or sparkly orange, but i thought i would be alone.

Well, when i got to school, ALMOST everyone colored their hair!! i was like WUUUUUUUTTTTTTTTT??????????? and when i got to school, i remembered, O YA!! I FORGOT TO WEAR DANGLY EARINGS!! dangly earings are allowed, but not REALLY long dangly earings. i ALSO forgot to wear like, a bow in my hair or something. were allowed to wear bows in our hair, but it has to be a single color and it has to be red, navy, black, or  brown. =P or white.

So WEDNESDAY was the luau. im not kidding, the luau LAST year was a THOUSAND times better than this year. Because the weather ppl said it would rain yesterday, and we had it inside for most of the day. All we did was play games, watch movies. THEN the clouds cleared up!! and i mean it didnt rain one drop the whole day. so for 2 hours we got to do the luau outside. we spent the whole luau-outside-party by talking, playing on the playground, and signing eachothers yearbooks and shirts. i didnt get a year book cuz i get one in 5th grade, 8th grade, and 12th grade. the end of the school year. but i signed a bunch :D

After the luau outside, we had to go inside the gym and watch some hawaiian dancers for an hour =P it was funny at first cuz they were shaking their butts like crazy, and they made some kids volunteer to do it. THAT was funny, but after a while, were like, AHHHHHH SO BORED!! so we went back to signing yearbooks and shirts and talking. lol. 

Today is the last day of school!! YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! but...i didnt come. lol. it was PJ day today, but i woke up and my moms like, you dont have to go to school today, so im like, ok. lol.

Do i post too much in all of my posts? leave a comment and let me know. idc if you are some random person that i never even met.

weird...somethings wrong with my post today...cuz its all bunched together...hmmmmmmm......oh its probably cuz i copy&pasted the WHAT TIME IS IT? ITS SUMMERTIME!! lyrics in there. lol. bye!!

Scroll to the bottom of the page to take the poll =) Bya!! <3 Sharon <3

Monday, May 23, 2011


You know how i turned 13? a few weeks ago? and i am sooooooo excited to watch a bunch of PG13 movies?? well, i FINALLY watched one!! cuz the whole month, im like, MOM CAN WE WATCH THIS? MOM CAN WE WATCH THAT? and shes like, its ALMOST summer!! you will have plenty of time to watch PG13 movies in the summer =P

So im like ughhhhhh. but my brother checked out Sherlock holmes at the library!! im like YESSSSSSSSSS and i watched it =) i dont see why i wasnt allowed to watch it wasnt that bad...i mean the worst part was when he fell and hung himself in the chains...

So this summer, i plan to watch the Lord of the Rings series, maybe Pirates of the Caribean, idk, those are the main movies i want to watch. AND how to save a life cuz everyone at church is like THAT MOVIE IS AMAZING and my bro and sis are like THAT MOVIE IS AMAZING and im like WAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH =(

I cant wait for summer!! so i can start watching these movies lol and i have a bajillion books on my reading list. AND i want SLEEP!! and i want more free time to have SLEEPOVERS and PLAYDATES with friends cuz this whole school year, i only had like, 2 sleepovers and 2 playdates. 

Also, i have been waiting FOREVER to go to the pool!! it opens the day before memorial day, but that day is sunday this year, so it will open Saturday!! i think...idk im not sure. But i have SO much planned this summer!! I have a bunch of playdates and sleepovers planned lol and gues what??? i asked the ppl who do the newspaper and newsletter to put me in there for babysitting and petsitting!!!

OMC OMC!! i have NEVER done either, BUT i HAVE helped my bro and sis when they petsit or babysit!! im SO excited cuz the only money i make in the summer is lemonade stands. lol. i only end up with like, $5!! haha

Also, this summer, i am going to do VBS. if you dont know what VBS is, its like a summer camp for little kids at church. lol im not going to be in it, but im going to help out!! im a crew leader assistant. omc i am so booked this summer!!

OH YEAH!! my feather fell out!! the purple one did!! cuz the lady did such a bad job. we went back and another lady put it back in. thank God she actually did it right!! haha. she put them side to side instead of the red on top. cuz when the red was on top, i NEVER saw the purple one lol. 

well gtg!! NO HOMEWORK!! NO TESTS!!! 3 MORE DAYS!!!

Scroll to the bottom of the page to take the poll =) Bya!! <3 Sharon <3

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Graduation (4 days)

My sister just graduated high school!! lol it was so much fun!! on thursday night, a bunch of her friends came over and they ate and stuff and they dressed up in their graduation gowns and hats and they went to the school and they just handed out awards to smart ppl.

On friday, we had to wake up early and skip school (yes!) to go to the actual graduation. it was kewl!! lol the high school paster at our church came (hes awesome! our church is small so everyone knows each other). whenever they shouted her name, we screamed lol.

once, they said something funny, so everyone was laughing, so the teacher went back to his paper thing, hes like, ok, have we said "asdflsdnflds"? (thats not her just...not teling you lol). and they pronounced it wrong too!!! i mean, its a common name sheesh ppl!! and hes one of her teachers!

but afterwards, they said it right. lol. it was fun cuz after the graduation, we went to olive garden. mmmmmmmm i had a seafood pasta salad it was really good and i had some soup stuff. After that, we went home. school wasnt over, but i didnt want to go back lol.

A little later after we came home, my mom took my sister to get her nails done. i got to come to watch! since it was 40% off, my mom kept going, Sharon!! get it!! im like eww!! no!! its not that i dont like doing my nails, i do. i just like doing it myself lol.

well i got nothing else to say. other than SCHOOL ENDS THURSAY!! THE TRIMESTER IS OVER BUT SCHOOL ISNT!!! BYEE!!!

Scroll to the bottom of the page to take the poll =) Bya!! <3 Sharon <3

Monday, May 16, 2011


lol i just put loo-wow! as my title cuz on my school website, they wrote loo-wow! instead of Luau! just incase u ppl dont know what a luau is, its like a hawaiian party type thing. This year, we are going to have a LUAU!!!! instead of field day!!!

We had one last year, and it was SO MUCH FUN!!! some people said it was so boring last year, but their just weird. The luau is next wednesday. so excited!! then thursday, the last day of school, is PJ DAY!! lol i almost accidentally wrote JB day!! Dude that would be AWESOME!! jb day?!? im going to talk to someone about that. lol jk

so monday is a regular day, and tuesday is abuse the dress code day. dude i loved that last year!!! except this year, we dont have crazy hair day =( cuz last year, i didnt know what to do so i put my hair in a lame ponytail. now, i have half a can of purple hair spray, and a full can of orange sparkly hair spray!! Dude i was looking forward to that day all year!!! =(

so abuse the dress code day, last year, i thought i would get introuble for wearing a hat, and i didnt wear kewl shoes cuz we had PE that day =P oh, btw, we wear a uniform. ik, i am dying already!! 

SCHOOL ENDS NEXT THURSDAY!! THE GRADING TRIMESTER ENDS ON FRIDAY!!! dude, friday is NEVER going to come =( as soon as summer comes, i swear, i am going to be blogging like crazy!! lol but it would be boring cuz every post would be like, i went to the pool today, and i read for 50 hours. lol

some of them would be, i gotta six pack!! jk!! but im working on it lol

i got really nothing left to say, besides SUMMER IS JUST A WEEK AWAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Scroll to the bottom of the page to take the poll =) Bya!! <3 Sharon <3

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Friday the 13th

Yesterday was friday the 13th!! :OO lol so everyone died. including me. lolllllllllll

i went to a rockies game yesterday, too. it was really good we played the san diego padres, and i dont hate them, their ok. we won!! 12 to 7!! my sister said it would be cold, so i was pretty much layering up the clothes. cuz last time, i wore flip flops and a short sleeved shirt with a thin jacket, and my feet were about to fall off. i didnt feel them, but when i started walking around, my feet were KILLING ME!!! D:

so thats why i was layering up the clothes yesterday. lol. but it wasnt as cold as last time...but i was warm =)

SPEAKING OF SAN DIEGO PADRES...THIS SUMMER IM GOING TO SAN DIEGO!!!!!!!!!!!! cuz every year, at my school, the 7th graders go to sea camp (in san diego), and 8th graders went to yosemite (california), it costs a bunch and my mom doesnt want me to be so far away know. so for me missing sea camp and my sister graduating high school, we are going there this summer!!! i am SOOOOOOO excited!!

in school, my grades are better!! i have B's in everything, but in history, i have a D =( my mom says if i dont raise it till the end of the year (20th), then she'll cut my feather off =( so i am trying so hard to raise it.

oh yeah..i still need to post a pic of my feather. later...cuz im just so comfortable on the couch in a good position with my laptop. lolll

I just finished "Airhead", and i am almost done with "Being Nikki". next is runaway =)) i want a nook. it is like a kindle, but its awesomeer. well i gtg bye!!!

Scroll to the bottom of the page to take the poll =) Bya!! <3 Sharon <3

Friday, May 13, 2011


OH MY COW SNOW IN MAY??? That doesn’t make any sense!!! Well, if you live in Colorado it makes sense. Lol. The day before yesterday, at night, it was raining super hard!! So I went outside. Lol. Cuz I love the rain. Its so much fun!! So I stayed out till I got cold. I woke up the next morning and there was SNOW!! Not a lot, but not a little. I hope that the cold weather goes away before summer!!! I would HATE snow in the summer =P cuz its spring, and, you know.

So THIS morning, I woke up, and there was SNOW again!! It was snowing super hard!! And it was not a little, not a lot, but more than yesterday. I was really mad…lol but I got to wear my beanie!!!!!!!! Lol cuz it is so awesome.

Sorry this post is kinda…late cuz I went on blog and I said log in and it said blogger was having issues…so I guess itll be late =P I am typing it in a word document right now.

So…I survived another day of pig dissecting. Our pig is a guy!! We named it Otis!! Then….:O our science teacher came over, looked inside at some gland thing, and said it was a GIRL!!!!! :OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OTIS THE GIRL!!!!! Lolllllllllllllll that is soooooo hilarious!!

Im gonna check blogger again…nope. Still has issues =P

Lol im in the basement right now, skyping my friend!! She is so funny cuz she keeps falling off the bed and saying “AHH SHARON CATCH ME!!!” ok!! Im going to reach into my computer and my arms will come out of her computer and catch her. Lol. youtube!! What videos should I look up?? Leave a comment and tell me =)
You know what?? I got nothing else to say =P so im going to end this comment and post tomorrow cuz of blogger’s issues bye!!! Ptyl!!!

Scroll to the bottom of the page to take the poll =) Bya!! <3 Sharon <3

Wednesday, May 11, 2011


EWWWWWWWWWWW EWW EW EW EW EW EW EW EWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! omg sorry i havent posted in a while, i was really busy. so now i am posting, and the only thing i have to say is EWWWWWWWWWW!!!! so in science, we are doing human anatomy, and we did the reproductive system last, and we watched a video, and at the end, we had to watch a woman giving birth!! EWWWWWWWW and they actually showed the baby coming out of her...

another eww is we had to dissect a pig!!!!!!! EWWWW i mean, i am kinda acting like a wimp right now, i am not a girly girl!! cuz i LOVED dissecting a cow eye, and a squid, but those were FRESH and SMALL and the pig was PRESERVED and BIG well not big, but like, bigger. ugh. worst. smell. ever. if the pig was fresh, i probably wouldnt be gagging the whole dissection. the worst part is we have to dissect it the WHOLE WEEK. D: but the good part is that once you actually look inside a tthe intestines and stuff, then its not as bad as staring at the pig and how nasty smelling it is outside.

The intestines are fun to look at and poke and all that stuff, but when you have to cut them out and stuff, and also, we have to drain the juice from the pig cuz of the preservatives. THAT was really nasty. oh my cow this would be SO much better if it was fresh. 

LETS CHANGE THE SUBJECT. FEATHER!! yes i got my feather at fantastic sams. i got 2 for 15$.a purple one and a red one!! the purple is striped, but the red one is not striped. i would post a picture, but because of the dissection, i am wearing my hair in a ponytail and i dont feel like taking it out.

MY HALF SISTER'S WEDDING WAS SATURDAY!!! we flew to minnesota, cuz, idk i guess since we are not on summer break yet, then we dont have time to drive early the day before and all that stuff. we flew delta, and we had touch screen tvs!! it costs money to watch a movie =( but tv was free!! and we could look at a moving map of the plane!! it was sooooo nice and there was free drinks and cookies and all that good stuff. 

We rented a car and drove to my uncle's house. it was so cool cuz MOST of my dad's family was there!! the worst part is, all of my cousins on my dad's side are adults. =( and all (EXCEPT ONE, WHO IS AN ADULT, WASNT THERE, AND IVE NEVER MET HER) are boys!!! but my uncles and aunts and cousins were so kewl. 

at the wedding, it was all inocent and religios in a church, then we went to a night club!! then lol everyone was drunk and stuff and dancing and doing...gross things that i dont wanna even my sister was drunk!! i was wearing this cute green dress and white shoes that i already showed you...and my cousin dared me to put this plastic cup in this bottle. it took me like an hour, and the whole time, he was like, "it wont work. it wont work. it wont work." in my head im like "QUIET!! QUIET!! QUIET!!" and i did it!! lol one of my uncles helped. 

You know, my dad's family is pretty kewl for a bunch of old people. lol. 2 of my cousins brought their GF's. just putting that out there.

YOU KNOW WHAT IS NOT FAIR??? MY SISTER (not the one that got married--the one that got married is my half sister. the one im talking about now is my real sister) IS ON SUMMER BREAK!! AND SHE IS GRADUATED FROM HIGH SCHOOL!!!!!!!!!!!!! NOT FAIR!!! =P our grading schedule ends on the 20th. school ends on the 26th. cuz the week after the 20th is spirit week. weird!! our school ends on thursday!! lol.

wow...since i havent posted in a while...i posted alot!! and everything that exciting happened to me =) bye!!

Scroll to the bottom of the page to take the poll =) Bya!! <3 Sharon <3

Tuesday, May 3, 2011


YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ITS MY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMC IM SO HAPPY TO BE 13!!!!!!!!!!! IVE WAITED MY WHOOOOOOOOOOLE LIFE TO BECOME 13--A TEENAGER. lol

so i said i was going to bring brownies to school, but the brownies at the store was too small and too expensive. so, i brought cookies instead!! i brought chocolate chip and sugar cookies. everyone wanted the choco chip. but a bunch of other ppl from other classes kept coming up and begging for some. i was...kinda scared to say no, so i just walked away. lol. i brought some to my FRIENDS in other classes!! :DD

Feather update: i didnt get my feather yet =( cuz my friend is not available. She said shes available saturday, but i am gone the whole weekend for my sister's wedding!! so she said next weekend. no way am i waiting that long!! so i told my mom and she said she'll just get me one :D yay!!

I hope they are not TOO expensive =P they are cheap compared to others...but they still might cost a lot. i looked on the website and it sed 10 for the first feather and 6 for additional. ugh. 16 dollars??? i want 2 so i feel bad. ANYWAYS

My dad took me out to breakfast this morning!!! thats ALWAYS is present for me, my bro, my sis and my mom's birthday. lol. i love it. i had to wake up early, but i didnt care cuz i was EXCITED!! we went to LePeep, it was REALLY good! i had french toast and bacon with pineapple juice and water. Yuummm lol

i kinda hurried out the door, and ate slow to savor the taste lol cuz i didnt want to be late cuz i wanted to hear my name on the announcements!! lol and i made it!!

the whole day, i was telling everyone its my birthday!! and their all like happy birthday!! lol

My bro and sis are so awesome!! they got me a Spongebob poster (SWEETNESS), 2 boxes of egg shaped krabby patties (the gummy things), and 2 chocolate bunnies. dude this is like, the best birthday ever!! the only thing that ruined it is in science, we have to learn the reproduction system ON THE WEEK OF MY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!! =P

by the way, if you want to see my poster, the picture is above =)

Scroll to the bottom of the page to take the poll =) Bya!! <3 Sharon <3

Monday, May 2, 2011


OMC ITS TOMORROW!! MY BIRTHDAY IS TOMORROW!! lol wondering what omc means?? OH MY COW!!! lol cuz this guy at my church was going to say oh my goodness or whatever and also was thinking holy cow and he said oh my cow!! lol im like KEWL IM GOING TO SAY THAT NOW!! OH MY COW IM GOING TO BE THIRTEEN TOMORROW!! OH MY COW!! OMC!! 

lol anways i turned in my night questions late =P and guess what?? i forgot to bring home my night book AGAIN!! well, i did most in studyhall. i have to write, like, 3 words so i could do it before school. lol i need to remind myself. im probably going to forget to turn it in. this is why i am failing history. history is all memorizing, and i am forgetting a stupid book!!

i just asked my friend if she is going to buy the feather and give it to me, or if she is going to kidnap me and take me there and force it into my head. lol. jk. i mean if she is going to take me there lol i am so hyper right now!! even though i dont seem hyper, i am!! i would add more exclamation marks, but theres so much to tell you that i am skipping over them lol.

So for my half sisters wedding, me and my mom went shopping. I got this REALLY pretty green dress with these REALLY pretty white shoes. heres the pictures:

Arent they pretty?? sorry they arent really good pictures.

Anyways, you know how i am bringing brownies?? everyone BETTER appreciate it =P lol cuz some guys said they think brownies are ok (as i said before) lol well i should start my homework. ptyl!!

Scroll to the bottom of the page to take the poll =) Bya!! <3 Sharon <3

Sunday, May 1, 2011

May, school books, feather extensions...(2 DAYS)

Hey everyone!!! its MAY!! you know what THAT means??? 2 MORE DAYS UNTIL MY BIRTHDAY!!! YAY!!!!

lol i went to church today, and guess who i saw with her family?? HOLLY!! i was like WOAH!!! so i run ova and say hi and it was so kewlness. i was kinda freaked out too...but i was glad :D i hope she stays at her church...cuz she said she was "just visiting" and she said she didnt know i go to this church lol.

my friend at church (not holly) said that her friend gave her justin bieber's cell number!!! and she caled him, and they talked and it was actually him!! so shes going to give it to me!!! AHHH I AM SO EXCITED!!!! im going to call him everyday to tell him how much i love him. but i have to wait till sunday to get it =( cuz she has to facebook her friend cuz she doesnt have a cell to save his number on =((((

Sooo you know how im reading NIGHT for school? well, we have to do a journal on it, so we get 5 questions that we have to answer in paragraphs, and stupid me, i forgot my book. again. =P i seem to forgot Night all the time!!! i mean i can remember to bring my other books?? but night!! ugh. i guess ill turn it in one day late. i hope it isnt worth a lot of points.

For the diary of anne frank, well, im really far!! i checked out the audio book at the library. i was half way done when i got it. lol i read like, 50 pages in about an hour cuz i was listening to the tape and following along with my book. 

kk ppl, you know feather extensions?? well, idk if its just really popular in colorado or everywhere. Hey sara, do lots of people have feather extensions where you live?? cuz they are HUGE in colorado. so i want one SO badly, so my mom has been looking for them. We found a few places, but they are SO expensive. finally, my friend/neighbor called me to come over and i cam and she had 3 feathers!! im like WOAH YOU GOT A FEATHER!! and shes like ya i got them cheap at bluemist. im like SWEET!! I AM GOING THERE!!! and she said, "i was going to get you one for your birthday, but i didnt know if your alowed to have one!!" so im like YES IM ALLOWED GET ME ONE!! lol jk not really like, OMG GIMME but like, Yeah. im allowed. i want purple, red or green. lol i am so excited cuz ive been waiting for a feather for a while!!!

so, as i said, i want purple. if there are no purples, i want red. if there are no reds, i want green. If there are no greens, i want blue. and hopefully, i wont have to keep picking a different color. lol when i saw holly at church she had 3, too!! i want a bundle of 2. a striped one, and a non-striped one. AHHH I AM SO EXCITED!!! when i get it, ill try to put a picture up. =)) kk ptyl!! bye!!!!!!!

Scroll to the bottom of the page to take the poll =) Bya!! <3 Sharon <3

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Brownies (6 DAYS)

Hey everyone!!! i was just looking at my grades. and they are all B's in the core classes, and A's in other classes. The only bad grade i have is history. a D. i HATE history =P its so boring!!! and the teacher makes it boring and hard to understand. whenever i take a quiz or a test, i get a D or an F. and homework, i get A's and B's. 

So me and my brother and sister were talking about our school's grading thing, and if my school had their grading thing, then i would have STRAIGHT A'S AND ONE C!!! DUDE!! my school is really retarded. i mean, the i love everything about it (the people are nice, we have recess, MOST of the teachers are really nice and grade hard, MOST of the teachers help me learn instead of grade easy and give me good grades everywhere, and the education is good.). the things i HATE about it is the grading thing, SOME of the teachers i simply cant stand, like my history teacher, half the people LOVE her, half HATE her. i hate her =P and one of my studyhall teachers, he hates us. we ask him something he rather says, NO!! or YES GO AWAY!! =P

Anywayzz in history, i have a D =P then i was SOOOOOOO happy cuz it raised to a C!!!!!! then she returned our tests back to us and i got an F. now, my history grade is back to a D =PPP at this school, i have NEVER gotten a B or A in history. ive gotten an F, but not for long. i get D's and C's. if i switch schools, i guarentee i will get better grades in history there than here.

anyways, to talk about the title of the post, BROWNIES!!! i told everyone my birthday is in 6 days, and they are all like happy birthday in 6 days!! lol. so i asked everyone what i should bring, and i said no doughnuts, cuz EVERYONE brings doughnuts and its getting really old =P plus, i am not a huge fan of doughnuts. soooooooo i decided on cookies. i am not a big fan of cupcakes, or a big fan of cookies, but that was the best option. then this girl is like BROWNIES!! and im like YEAH!! cuz i LOVE brownies. omg. luv em. so i told other ppl that my bday is in 6 days and they said what are you bringing and i said brownies and they are like oh. they are ok bring doughnuts. DURRR NO!!!

I am going to bring those tiny brownies that are circular and you get at the grocery store. but everyone will get mad at me cuz they will be tiny. what should i do??? cuz i will get everyone in my class one, and all my friends in different classes one. 


Scroll to the bottom of the page to take the poll =) Bya!! <3 Sharon <3

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Books (8 DAYS)


I have a strange obsession over books lately, cuz i used to be obsessed with the computer, then tv, now book!! its a strange jump...from tv to a cuz in school, we have 2 books to read, and i just started one and i have to read the whole thing by may 16, so now, i am obsessing over it. also, i had this other book that i have to read thru page 65 by tomorrow, and i was pretty much obsessing over it cuz it was so interesting. and, as i told you earlier in my blog, i have to read an hour a day. i hated that rule for like, a month, now i LOVE it!!

so anyways, my brothers got me reading this series, its called the paradise series by ted dekker. its really good!! they are christian books and they are so interesting. but thats not the only series im reading. i have been inspired by Sara!!! to read the airhead series by meg cabot. i got all three books from the library. i havent started them yet cuz i have to concentrate on my school books before i start, so they are in a pile in my closet. that pile is the "to-be-read" pile. i cant wait to start!!

The book im reading for school is called "night" by elie weisel. and my book report book (our teacher picked this book for us, everyone is reading it) is called "the diary of a young girl" by anne frank. both books are really interesting, the diary is the one that i just started and is due may 16. anne frank is good, but she named her diary "kitty" so its really annoying cuz shes always like "dear kitty,". but its really good. i am trying to read it as much as i can to finish it in time. i am rushing through this post so i can go read it!!

i cant stop now cuz i got so much to say!!

anywayz, the books that are to be read, and that are being read right now by me is...night, diary of a young girl, sinner, airhead, being nikki, and runaway. you should really read all of those books. well, i havent started sinner, airhead, being nikki, or runaway but 1. sinner is 3rd in the paradise series and i have already read the first 2 and they are great!! and 2. sara has read airhead, being nikki, and runaway and says she really likes them. and she sumarized it and they sound really good!!

ugh. snow. it was hot! now theres snow =P it has to stop snowing and start raining!! and being so burning hot!! ugh i cant wait till summer.

well, i gtg read!! im gonna read the anne frank. plus i gotta go cuz my battery is low. well, bye!! i suggest these books and...yeah i gotta go bye

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